#3 conference 2022 / Open Offspace Meeting Up

Saturday 12th March 2022 @ STANDARD DELUXE, Lausanne / Rue St. Martin 38bis, 1005 Lausanne / www.standard-deluxe.ch

Front row, from left to right: Nicolas Savary (Standard/Deluxe), Thomas Heimann (Ausstellungsraum Klingental), Colin Raynal (Mât Neuchâtel), Yolanda E. Natsch (Summe, Kasko Basel), Caroline Brühlmann (kunstkabinen.ch Brunnen SZ)

Second row, from left to right: Leonardo Bürgi (Ausstellungsraum Klingental), Jean-Rodolphe Petter (Standard/Deluxe), Chri Frautschi (Lokal-Int), Guillaume Pilet (Tunnel Tunnel), Corine Cretton (Standard/Deluxe), Miguel Menezes (Standard/Deluxe), Michael Sutter (Kunsthalle Luzern, PTTH:// [PavillonTribschenhorn Temporary Host], Anouk Luthier (Collectif Wunderkammer), Adrien Carter (Standard/Deluxe), Patrizia Mazzei (Volumes, Zurich Art Space Guide), Sophie Ballmer (Tunnel Tunnel)

Not on the photo but present: Katia Leonelli (one gee in fog), Matthias Sohr (Circuit & Bureaucracy Studies)

Fotocredits: Virginie Otth, SA 12.03.2022 / Standard Deluxe, Lausanne

20. March 2022 by offoff
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