#8 OFF OFF Conference / Saturday 16th of November 2024 / Berne

Program / approx. time schedule OFFSPACE TOUR DE BERN – SA 16th November 2024. Guided Tour curated by Michael Sutter
12.00 Uhr / Start: Bern central station / Besammlung Treffpunkt / Eingangshalle unter der Anzeigetafel / Meeting point / entrance hall / below the big schedule screen
12.30 Uhr / Dreiviertel / ETK Books / Monbijoustrasse 69, 3007 Bern
13.00 Uhr / Alte Schreinerei / Mattenhofstrasse 42, 3007 Bern
13.30 Uhr / 9a am Stauffacherplatz / Stauffacherstrasse 9a, 3014 Bern
14.00 Uhr / Kulturmuseum Bern / Schützenweg 22, 3014 Bern
14.30 Uhr / Stadtgalerie Bern / Waisenhausplatz 30, 3011 Bern
14.45 Uhr / PROGR & Markus Zürcher Fenster / Waisenhausplatz 30, 3011 Bern
15.00 Uhr / videokunst.ch Showroom / Waisenhausplatz 30, 3011 Bern
15.15 Uhr / Lehrerzimmer / Waisenhausplatz 30, 3011 Bern
15.45 Uhr / Grand Palais / Thunstrasse 3, 3005 Bern
16.15 Uhr / Vitrine / Gerechtigkeitsgasse 77, 3011 Bern
16.30 Uhr / Affspace / Münstergasse 4, 3011 Bern
16.45 Uhr / Milieu / Münstergasse 6, 3011 Bern
17.30 Uhr / Volume / Lorrainestrasse 14, 3013 Bern
18.30 bis 21.30 Uhr / Getting together with Food & Drinks / Bacio Collective / Zähringerstrasse 42, 3012 Bern
22.00 bis 23.15 / soso space – suboffice of space operations / Bollwerk 39, 3011 Bern
Ambient-ish Live Set of MITOSPORA aka Roberto Maqueda und Jules Hildebrand, Co-Directors of the FOG Festival and part of FOG collective
Starting at 00.00 / CLUB / soso space – suboffice of space operations / Bollwerk 39, 3011 Bern
Lady Maru (Gegen Berlin / Berlin-Rom), Rōse (Alwarda / Lausanne), civic3mille (Ace of Space / Bern) b2b Renso (Basel)
–> reduced entry for people attending the OFF OFF tour, CHF 10.- instead of CHF 25.-).
#7 OFF OFF Conference / Saturday 29th of June 2024 / Vevey (organized by Indiana)

SA 29.06.2024 @ Indiana, Vevey
Invitation to the next networking conference of the Association for non-profit & independent art spaces in Switzerland / organized by Indiana & OFFOFF (a bit)
#7 Conference / Meeting OFF OFF 2024
Saturday 29th of June 2024, starting from 1pm
@ Meeting 1 pm / 13.00 o’clock Vevey SBB Train Station
Please inscript! Link below!
Thank you very much for agreeing to take part in off-off Day #7 on Saturday 29.06.2024. We’ll be delighted to welcome guests from many parts of the French-speaking world, and hopefully beyond. The welcome will be at the Vevey train station from 1pm.
Here’s a link to all the info about the visit so far, and the possibility of reserving a place at the closing dinner (approx. 7pm). Registration is open until Sunday June 23.
At the end of the page, you’ll see a section for Vevey’s participating areas – this is purely to facilitate logistics. This will enable us to communicate more effectively live on the day (for example, to provide information about the route). You can join the walking group at any time, depending on your availability.
→ https://cloud.indianavevey.ch/apps/forms/s/eF9BB5mRdgofcLTfYJTBoYmA
also available here: https://indianavevey.ch/bio in the “News” section.
We’d like to devote 20 minutes to each location (including arrival and departure). Some projects can be presented for shorter periods too, especially those involving outdoor showcases or studio spaces. The main objective is to make a presentation:
→ the genesis of your project, its annual operation/rhythm [in 2-3 minutes];
→ the current exhibition [3 min];
→ let people visit a little bit [10 min] and answer questions.
And perhaps if you’d like to offer specific documentation, we can set up a display unit at Indiana at the end (catalogs, flyers, stickers, whatever you like).
See you soon!
Indiana & OFF OFF
Infopage about independent art spaces in Switzerland. Forgot someone?
Please contact: info@offoff.ch
Web: www.offoff.ch
Stay live tuned: Insta: @off_off_switzerland
#6 OFF OFF Conference / Saturday 2th of Dezember 2023 / Neuchâtel

Web: www.offoff.ch
Stay live tuned: Insta: @off_off_switzerland
Impressions #5 OFF OFF Conference Zurich
Thanks to all joining and supporting people for the Offspace Walk Zurich on 18th of March 2023 (organized by Zurich Art Space Guide, Andreas Marti & Patrizia Mazzei) and all the participating offspaces! Thank you ver much to Chateau Hornegg and the members of Sechseinhalb, Lokal 14 and Kunsthaus Aussershil.
Fotos taken by Michael Sutter and Chri Frautschi

#5 conference OFF OFF in Zurich

Saturday 18th of March 2023, starting from 5 pm
@ Château Hornegg au Lac, Seefeldstrasse 201, Zürich (Near Train Station Tiefenbrunnen)
Open meeting for all offspace operators from all over Switzerland! Networking event for offspaces
Same day: Offspace Walking Tour Zurich
Starting from 1.15 pm / meeting point below the giant Nana-Sculpture at Zurich HB (organized by Zurich Art Space Guide)
Web: www.offoff.ch
Stay live tuned: Insta: @off_off_switzerland

Open call for recipes from offspace catering culture
Accepting submissions until 01.04.2023
We invite curatorial teams from Swiss independent art spaces to share their favourite recipes from their event catering to create a print and digital publication from the contributions we receive. The offspace cookbook is a culinary mapping of the national offspace scene and a practical resource for spaces searching for recipes to feed their artists and audiences with limited budgets and basic equipment.
Format: DIN A4, 300 dpi, pdf or jpg. Drawn, typed or scanned. All languages welcome.
Please send your recipe via e-mail: espace.libre.bienne@gmail.com with the subject: offspace cookbook. Don’t forget to sign with the name of your space!
Or send us a hardcopy via post to: espace libre, Faubourg du lac 73, 2502 Biel/Bienne
All participating spaces will receive a printed and PDF copy of the cookbook. A launch event will be held in Autumn 2023, details to be confirmed!
All the best,
Beth Dillon & Vera Trachsel
Co-Direction, espace libre Visarte Biel/Bienne
SAVE THE DATE # 5 conference OFF OFF
Saturday 18th of March 2023, starting from 5 pm
@ Château Hornegg au Lac, Seefeldstrasse 201, Zürich (Near Train Station Tiefenbrunnen)
Temporary use by the offspaces: 6 1/2, Kunsthaus Aussersihl, Lokal14
Offspace Walking Tour Zurich
Same day, starting from 1.15 pm
meeting point below the giant Nana-Sculpture at Zurich HB
(organized by Zurich Art Space Guide)
Insta: @off_off_switzerland

Impressions from the #4 OFF OFF Conference and the Walking Tour in Lucerne / SA 26.11.2022

Visited offspaces in Lucerne: marytwo, B74, redaktion, sic! Elephanthouse, PTTH://, slot_, o.T. Raum für aktuelle Kunst. Photos by: Chri Frautschi, Michael Sutter, Dimitri Medi.
#4 OFF OFF conference 2022

The next OFF OFF meeting for all independent swiss art spaces will be held:
Saturday 26th of November 2022, 17.00 to 21.00 @ Kunstpavillon Luzern (it hosts at the moment the two offspaces PTTH:// [Pavillon Tribschenhorn Temporary Host] and slot_, and it was also the former destination of o.T. – Raum für aktuelle Kunst and sic! – Raum für Kunst. There will be some food prepared by Léa Marie d’Avigneau and Ana Pereira.
No registration needed!
For everybody who would like to join the «Offspace Walking Tour Lucerne», be at 13.15 in Lucerne!
13.15 o’clock
Meeting point: old archway in front of the train station, Lucerne
Kunsthalle Luzern (Michael Sutter)
marytwo (Jack Price & Elvira Bättig)
KALI Gallery (Nicolas Kalinowsky & Marketa Jachimova)
sic! Elephanthouse (Sabrina Negroni, Anne-Sophie Mlamali, Lena Pfäffli)
redaktion (Stephan Wittmer)
17.00: Meeting up at Kunstpavillon Luzern
No registration needed as well!
Feel free to join!
Greetings and looking forward to meet you!
Team OFF OFF 2022 (Michael Sutter, Chri Frautschi, Patrizia Mazzei, Caroline von Gunten, Colin Raynal)

#3 conference 2022 / Open Offspace Meeting Up

Saturday 12th March 2022 @ STANDARD DELUXE, Lausanne / Rue St. Martin 38bis, 1005 Lausanne / www.standard-deluxe.ch
Front row, from left to right: Nicolas Savary (Standard/Deluxe), Thomas Heimann (Ausstellungsraum Klingental), Colin Raynal (Mât Neuchâtel), Yolanda E. Natsch (Summe, Kasko Basel), Caroline Brühlmann (kunstkabinen.ch Brunnen SZ)
Second row, from left to right: Leonardo Bürgi (Ausstellungsraum Klingental), Jean-Rodolphe Petter (Standard/Deluxe), Chri Frautschi (Lokal-Int), Guillaume Pilet (Tunnel Tunnel), Corine Cretton (Standard/Deluxe), Miguel Menezes (Standard/Deluxe), Michael Sutter (Kunsthalle Luzern, PTTH:// [PavillonTribschenhorn Temporary Host], Anouk Luthier (Collectif Wunderkammer), Adrien Carter (Standard/Deluxe), Patrizia Mazzei (Volumes, Zurich Art Space Guide), Sophie Ballmer (Tunnel Tunnel)
Not on the photo but present: Katia Leonelli (one gee in fog), Matthias Sohr (Circuit & Bureaucracy Studies)
Fotocredits: Virginie Otth, SA 12.03.2022 / Standard Deluxe, Lausanne